What's Your Number? An Accounting Blog
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What's Your Number? An Accounting Blog

Keeping track of income and expenses is essential, even if you don't own a business. And if you do own a business, things get even more complicated. There are paychecks to issue, taxes to track, and subcontractors to pay out. All of these details are a whole lot less challenging when you hire an accountant to oversee them. However, it is still important to know a little bit about accounting yourself. Dig into the articles on this website, and you'll gain a better understanding of accounting principles, what services accountants really offer, and the benefits of hiring these professionals to assist with your finances.

What's Your Number? An Accounting Blog

  • Estate Planning? 5 Ways Accountants Help With Division of Assets

    24 June 2021

    Are you working on your estate plan? If so, do you have an accountant on your planning team? Anyone with more than one heir should consider working with a certified public accountant when preparing asset distributions and divisions. Why? Here are five ways they will help with this key part of your estate plan.  1. Determining Asset Values. Before you divide assets, you need to know what they're worth. An accountant is an independent and unbiased party who can help you research and assign proper values you can rely on.

  • 4 Reasons To Consider Hiring A Payroll Service Provider

    22 April 2021

    Running a business today can be very demanding. You have to carefully analyze your situation to know what you can handle internally and when to outsource. Prudent entrepreneurs know the tasks beyond their skills, and payroll accounting is usually one of them. Although you can manage your payroll accounting with a software program, you may need to weigh between DIY and hiring a payroll service company. If you run a relatively small business with several employees, here are reasons you should outsource the payroll service.

  • Important Tasks That Accountants Handle For Home Service Professionals

    19 February 2021

    If you are an independent contractor, you must keep careful track of your finances. You need to know how much money that you have earned. You also need to stay on top of how much money that you spend for your business. Instead of trying to manage your finances on your own, you can hire someone to manage your bookkeeping for you. You can take advantage of what tasks that professional accountants can provide to home service professionals like you.

  • 4 Smart Year-End Tax Planning Tips

    11 December 2020

    The end of the year is fast approaching, which means that your ability to take steps to help you during next year's tax season is quickly coming to an end as well. You will want to make sure you are prepared for the tax season by putting the right planning in place. Smart Planning Tip #1: Get in Your Charity Donation As part of the CARES Act this year, you can take an above-the-line deduction of up to $300 for any cash donation made to a charity, even if you don't itemize your taxes.

  • Need To Forecast Business Costs? Start By Tracking These 3 Categories

    11 December 2020

    Do you want to create a workable budget for your business? Do you need to forecast cash flow? Do you even know if you're really turning a profit? The key to all these important financial challenges is to quantify and manage expenses. Here's a short guide to wrangling your company's expenses by understanding and projecting these three categories of expenses.  1. Fixed Expenses The easiest category of expenses to forecast is fixed expenses.